Sometimes, it seems as though reading the news is just one frustrating or disappointing story after another. But then, one pops up that makes you smile from ear to ear.
Just last week, a mother bear took her two cubs for a family day at the pool in the backyard of another family’s home in California. The residents were safely inside and able to watch and record a video entitled “cuteness overload.”
California Family of Bears Goes to the Pool

California resident and homeowner Rick Martinez posted several clips on his Instagram page on May 7, 2024, that have since gone viral.
One of the videos shows a giant American black bear scratching her back against a large tree in Martinez’s yard while her cubs play, running around the tree and even climbing up its trunk.
The Bears Came Right Up to the Door

Then, from the safety of his home, Rick was able to record the bears up close as they headed right up to his sliding glass doors.
The mama bear peaked inside the house while her cubs followed closely under her feet. While she may have been looking for potential threats, she seemed calm and comfortable on Rick’s back patio.
The Bears Stopped for a Snack

The mother bear even stopped at a dog bowl on the patio and gave it a little sniff, probably checking if there was anything left to snack on.
Still, her cubs stayed by her side, looking tiny and absolutely adorable. From there, the family made their way to the main attraction of the day: The Martinez family pool.
California Bear Jumps Into a Backyard Pool

When they arrived at the pool, the mama bear wasted no time walking down the steps into the cool water and began swimming around.
Her cubs were certainly hesitant, and instead of following their mother in, they walked around to the edge and sat watching her enjoy the water. The mother bear then swam over to them, seemingly encouraging them to jump in, but they were too scared.
The Internet Exploded Over the Bears’ Swim in the Pool

Rick captioned the clips, “Cuteness overload… New bear family in town, and they’re also the smallest cubs we’ve ever seen. Aww, we hope to watch them grow happy and healthy.”
Hundreds of people have commented on the video since; the vast majority are offering words of encouragement and support for Rick, thanking him for the uplifting clips and congratulating him on handling the situation perfectly.
Bear Encounters Can Be Extremely Dangerous

This story, while exceptionally heartwarming, is an important lesson in how to handle a tough situation. While everything went swimmingly (pun intended) at Rick’s house, if he hadn’t known what to do during a bear encounter, it could have gone very differently.
First and foremost, if you encounter a bear, it’s important to understand what kind of bear it is. The advice for each type of bear, such as brown, black (which can have blonde, black, or brown fur), or grizzly, is very different, as they each have distinct personality traits.
What to Do If a Bear Is on Your Property

In Los Angeles, California, where Rick Martinez lives, the only wild bears are American black bears. From his caption, it’s clear that Rick has seen bears in the area before, and he even commented that he knew that this was the only kind of bear in LA.
Rick, of course, did the right thing by staying inside his home while the bears explored and played in his pool. However, if he had been outside, the very best thing to do when seeing a black bear is to stand and face them directly, try to make yourself large by spreading your arms, and make as loud of a noise as you can.
American Black Bears Are Very Common in California

Viewers may wonder how Rick stayed so calm while filming the mother bear and cubs in his yard, but Californians are actually quite accustomed to seeing American black bears around their homes or neighborhoods.
More than 30,000 wild American black bears freely roam the state of California, the majority of which live in Southern California around the greater Los Angeles area.
California Authorities Encourage Local Residents to Protect Their Homes From Bears

Because of this reality, local authorities in California are dedicated to ensuring the safety of both the bear population and Golden State residents. Several studies have been conducted to find out exactly where the bears live and why they visit certain homes and not others.
While these authorities are working to shift the bears’ behavior so that they return to and stay in the nearby forests, they also release ample information throughout the year to teach residents the proper response to a bear encounter.
Anyone Spending Time Outdoors in California Should Familiarize Themselves With Bears

It’s not just residents who have to be cautious; the millions of people who visit California every year should familiarize themselves with the protocol of seeing an American black bear.
One way to avoid bears in the wild is to ensure all food products, including scraps and trash or even dog food, are in sealed packages at all times. However, if you do see an American black bear, remember: Don’t run away. Instead, make yourself big and loud. It’s highly unlikely that they will attack, but if they do, do not play dead; it’s time to fight back.
Bears Are Adorable but Very Dangerous

The story of the mother and her cubs having a day at the pool in southern California is seriously sweet, but only because no one was hurt.
Bears can be extremely cute, especially the little ones, but make no mistake, these animals are fierce and even deadly. But if you treat them with the respect they deserve and remember the proper protocols, you’ll be fine.