YouTuber Benjamin Rich, best known as the creator ‘Bald and Bankrupt’, recently traveled to India. During this trip to New Delhi and Kolkata, Rich vlogged about his journey and his thoughts on the country and its people. However, after Rich called India the “most frustrating place to travel”, many commenters were quick to call him out.
YouTuber Criticizes India
Many people online were quickly offended by Rich’s YouTube video, especially as he titled it “I visited India so you don’t have to.” As can be seen from the title, the video itself wasn’t complimentary to India in any way. Rich only complimented the Indian people, who he said were kind and friendly.
According to Rich, India is a frustrating country to travel in, mainly because of the traffic seen in the country’s main cities. In his video, Rich begins his journey by taking a rickshaw ride in New Delhi to Pahargani.
While witnessing the traffic firsthand, Rich commented on how the country hadn’t changed at all in the last six years since he’d last been there.
“Surely there must have been some improvements in the last six years. Judging by the traffic, not too many,” Rich said in the video.
Traffic wasn’t the only thing that Rich criticized about India. He also took issue with the streets, as he pointed out many potholes, as well as how these streets often became waterlogged. He further complained about the consistent honking in traffic that he experienced.
As he claimed he had such a frustrating time during this trip, he then told viewers that they shouldn’t visit India at all themselves — unless they are a “professional traveler.”
‘Bald and Bankrupt’ Faces Criticism Over India Vlog

Not too soon after this video was uploaded onto YouTube, ‘Bald and Bankrupt’ faced a heavy amount of criticism from commenters who were disappointed in how Rich complained about India. They found his comments to be insulting and degrading to the country and its people.
One commenter referenced how Rich used to be very complimentary to India, posting, “Him going to the absolute worst areas, deliberately trying to show the worst things possible to proclaim India a failed state. That doesn’t seem right, especially compared to his old videos about India itself.”
While many people called Rich out for showing only the worst parts of India, all seemingly in order to condemn the country, some commenters had Rich’s side in this debate. “It’s crazy that people whose religion and culture are tied to the beauty of the land disrespect and defile it so much,” one person wrote.
Finally, one YouTube user stated that creators often use India to rack in views — whether this means in their praise for the country, or their criticism. This user commented, “Foreign content creators know India is an easy way to earn money, either by praising or rage-baiting. Unsubscribe and let him disappear.”
While Rich has responded to these users in his own comment section, and while he has tried to explain why he called India a “failed state”, uproar over this video still remains.