We’ve all had that cringe-worthy moment when we blurt out something so silly that we wish we could swallow it back. But when it comes to internet postings, some individuals seem to forget that their words are etched in digital stone for all to see.
It’s amazing how some folks can be so bold in spreading misinformation when a simple search could set them straight. Despite the potential for embarrassment, it’s amusing to watch as people confidently espouse false information. Here are some of our favorites!
To Trust or Not to Trust the Experts

Lately, it seems like challenging the experts in their respective fields has become a popular pastime. We’ve all grown used to entertaining ridiculous arguments. However, it’s disheartening when a respected publication belittles a group of students who accurately summarized a literary and cinematic masterpiece.
It’s enough to make us wonder if we’re reading a parody magazine like The Onion. Sadly, this is not the case. The Sun, a UK-based gossip publication, proudly displayed its questionable headline, but fortunately, they were corrected. Oh, well, it’s safe to assume that a literature degree is not a prerequisite for becoming a writer.
Justice for Oscar the Grouch

In a twist of irony befitting Oscar the Grouch’s life story, he was utterly disregarded by WDSU’s recent announcement that Sesame Street will introduce a homeless puppet character. Luckily, Oscar’s faithful fans always remember who resides in that iconic trash can.
Of course, the show deserves credit for tackling critical social issues in a compassionate and accessible manner. Yet, perhaps the folks in charge should have paused to consider the implications of their announcement before letting the thrill get the best of them. Oscar may not have been mentioned, but his legacy remains firmly intact.
This is Why Spelling is Important

With “inspiration” rapidly becoming the currency of social media, many are sharing their deepest thoughts just for a bit of clout. Weirdly enough, some of these musings aren’t as thought-provoking as we’d hope!
The quote “There’s no “I” in “team” has been reused several times, but it appears this woman needs to sort out a similar spelling issue judging by this quip she posted on her social media page. Maybe she’s better off doing a quick spell-check before hitting that post button next time.
Just Hold that Sexist Thought

Successful women are no strangers to being swept under the rug. But it’s a rare pleasure when a misogynistic statement revolves around the assumption that a woman couldn’t possibly accomplish what she’s already achieved. It started as a little joke of what if, in an alternate scenario, a woman was involved in casting or dressing up the characters in a Marvel film.
However, the fun was cut short by an inconvenient fact: a woman had already helped to create this tough character. Fact-checking is often missed or forgotten, but in this case, he should have went that route immediately.
Did You Even Read the Book You Wrote?

This one takes the cake of all the public gaffes circulating on the internet. We are half-astounded and half-amused at this person’s gall to ask the King of writing if he had read his book! They probably meant to disagree with Stephen King’s advice but, unfortunately, used a grossly incorrect statement to show his displeasure.
We bet the responses to the person’s misplaced confidence are hilarious too. Some embarrassments last a lifetime; this one is high up the chart.
Blunders Too Shocking to Forget

The Native Americans referred to historically as Indians are often mistaken for Indians from the Asian subcontinent. While most know the standard error, finding people who use the terms interchangeably is still shocking.
A netizen recalled an incident when his article on the poverty-stricken reservation of the indigenous group received a shocking response. The person confidently sent a writing titled ‘Ten Indian Billionaires’ as a rebuttal, which proves nothing but his ignorance.
Fiction Sounds Better Than Facts, Right?

When passing off half-baked ideas and irrational thoughts as facts on social media, one must be aware they won’t get away with it. There are always a few truth-ninjas lurking around, waiting to pounce on misinformation spreading through the internet masked as gospel truths.
The original post claiming human beings as the only species capable of mu$$er might sound hard-hitting but is far from the truth, as someone pointed out. What can we say; education comes in mysterious ways.
When You Publicly Flunk in Math and Geography

Math isn’t everyone’s cup of tea, yet, how many of us are confidently incorrect with numbers on a public forum? Simple as it is, the calculation done by this netizen was way off the mark, and a random internet user was quick to point it out.
Rys rys should have left it at that but made the mistake of replying with yet another statement that also proved her ignorance of Geography. Someone tell her where Arizona is, please!
The Manufacturers Didn’t See That Coming

We found this mass complaint against a product too hilarious to keep to ourselves. Apparently, not one but a few users were ignorantly dissatisfied with what they received. They ordered a clear visor, and what they got was, well, unclear! The manufacturers wouldn’t have seen this coming.
The customers had to simply peel off the extra layer of protective film to see through the face shield! Clearly, the instructions left out one crucial step, however obvious it was.
It’s Mostly European, Not German

The prevalence of geography errors on social media is astonishing, with numerous individuals requiring a basic lesson on distinguishing countries, and continents. Nonetheless, it’s satisfying to witness someone confidently disprove themselves by being both incorrect and arrogant.
The BMW argument is intriguing as this person didn’t perform a quick fact check before reiterating their position. Upon reading that BMW is, in fact, a European company, they mistakenly took it as proof of their unproven cause. We can only imagine the look on their faces when they realize their mistake.
Imposter Alert, Just Be Yourself

Many people on social media are quick to accuse others of being misinformed without considering who they’re arguing with. While this approach may work in most cases, it can occasionally backfire.
In one recent instance, a Metallica fan incorrectly referred to the band as a “know-it-all fan” after correcting an error about their album releases. The fan even went so far as to correct the spelling of the band’s official Facebook account without realizing who they were addressing. Perhaps they should’ve taken some time and actually read the name of the account that responded.
A Hilarious Take On Evolution

The ongoing battle between evolutionists and creationists may confuse some, but it’s not a new phenomenon. However, a new, fabricated theory claiming that humans invented carnivorism in the animal kingdom is quite unique.
It’s left us questioning whether this is an individual’s fantasy or if a new vegan community is claiming that meat-eating is an evil innovation, causing all suffering and violence in the animal kingdom. We doubt that this is the end of the strange conspiracies, we bet there’s more to come.
What Measurement Is That?

While Americans have a reputation for struggling with the metric system, it’s rare to see a full-grown adult misinterpret the meaning of “dozen.” After all, it’s a universal term, unlike the strange system of measurement. Of course, if we ordered 50 items and only received 12, we’d speak up.
But if we ordered a dozen doughnuts and received 12, it’s best to double-check before throwing a tantrum. This customer’s outburst probably made the Dunkin’ Donuts employees roll with laughter.
Dinosaurs and Humans Never Played Together

Online banter is something that will never grow old. Unfortunately, our good friend was so quick to challenge some people’s beliefs they forgot to do some fact-checking. This resulted in an iconic rebuttal that was more damaging than the original question.
The history books are clear on the distinction between humans and dinosaurs. This fellow probably had no idea the two never co-existed. Luckily, a cheeky fellow was ready to give them a quick update.
Not Everything Is Sexist

Cows are important creatures in the ecosystem as they have so many products that help us in our day-to-day lives. This company is so proud of its cows that it lists all their names on the bottles.
As cute of a gesture as this is, someone doesn’t appreciate that all the cows listed have cute female names. Well, had they kept these sentiments to themselves, they wouldn’t have gotten a crash course in Biology from an internet troll.
He Knows It All

It seems we have a professional pundit and grammar chief over here. This guy has some interesting sentiments regarding sports and women that we disagree with. The online community shares these sentiments as someone had some colorful words for them.
Unfortunately, the misogynistic culprit had some ammo left in the chamber as he prides himself in his grammar skills. Let’s just say the guy needs a refresher course in middle school.
The Flags Are up to Standard

The Swiss are a pretty peace-loving folk, and nothing shows this better than this moment right here. When someone decided to challenge IKEA on their flag staffs, the company had the perfect response.
As much as the original post was quite ignorant, we are secretly glad they brought it up because we got a short course on international law regarding flags.
He Missed the Joke

Don’t you hate it when someone gets the details of your favorite book wrong? This Frankenstein fun just about had enough of people confusing the titular character with his creation Einstein.
Sadly, the fan was so consumed with frustration they missed an amazing joke. The jokester was kind enough to explain his joke, albeit in all caps. Hopefully, our Frankenstein loving friend found the realization as funny as we did.
A Graduate of the Disney University

It’s becoming increasingly common for individuals on the internet to challenge experts on a topic confidently. Even those with a basic education in Greek mythology know that Zeus, the king of gods, had a notorious reputation for his many romantic dalliances throughout Western literary history.
Yet, there’s always that one person who confidently asserts otherwise. Someone who had only seen the Disney movie Hercules felt confident enough to correct an expert on Zeus’s number of children. He had many children, and that is “The Gospel Truth.”
Can’t Tell Them Apart

When you think you’ve seen it all, someone comes along to outdo the most clueless person on the internet. From misunderstanding basic definitions to struggling with simple math, it’s hard to fathom how they function in everyday life.
Knowledge is Both Outdated and Updated

It’s surprising to hear someone express hesitancy towards a newly developed vaccine, particularly when it could help society return to normal. But what’s even more surprising is the reasoning that there is no flu vaccine yet.
This is simply not true, as many flu vaccines are developed each year based on researchers’ predictions of the most common strains of influenza. It’s hard to decide who to feel worse for: the person who shared this misinformation or those who had to correct it.
End This Folly Now!

Wikipedia’s public edits draw criticism. It’s simply unreliable for research papers. It’s usually a good source of esoteric knowledge for casual browsing or fact-checking. Perhaps even double-checking commonly known facts.
Before ranting about Wikipedia misinforming the public, this person should have fact-checked beyond their flawed thinking. The idea that no mammal can live in the ocean is ridiculous—and perhaps offensive to seals, otters, whales, manatees, and sea lions. We agree with their first statement, though: this folly must end.
History Lesson Needed

Regrettably, many internet confrontations end with juvenile taunts like these, but this one backfired. We don’t know what started this dispute, but the first commenter should study American history.
They know most citizens are immigrants, right? Didn’t they study pilgrims in elementary school? Without hesitation, this Native American social media user played a reverse Uno card on the insensitive troll. They did arrive before everybody else! Hopefully, this conversation taught them not to spread hatred on social media.
Steer Clear of Needless Controversy

In all honesty, we think it’s improper to debate circumcision with a romantic interest. If you don’t already know what it is, kindly do the necessary research before engaging in this discussion. Compared to discussing other areas of culture, circumcision is rather delicate.
In that case, Google can be your best friend when it comes to understanding this sensitive topic. Let’s keep that in mind and maintain our propriety.
Missing It by a Mile

Americans may feel offended when laughed at for not using the metric system. Yet, using feet and miles is even more complex than the metric system.
Despite looking up the mile-kilometer ratio, someone still couldn’t make the right choice of distance at the crossroads. This image illustrates how confusion often arises from not using the correct system of measurement. Poor thing!
Does This Make Sense?

After years of striving for simplicity, the 21st century has shown us just how effortless it can be. From phone companies to grocery shops, everyone is contending for a piece of the simplification pie.
However, Trader Joe’s idea went too far when he chose to write a marketing slogan and illustrate it. In the end, he produced a glaring contradiction in their sign. If only he’d omitted the last sentence, it would have been rational.
When Knowledge Gets Faded

This picture offers us a glimpse of the bleak situation people face when they barely recall the human physiology lessons taught in high school. So, they fail to recognize what goes on during the pubescent phase.
We can’t help laughing at this poor guy who believed he had enough knowledge about tampons, and later got called out on it! Here, the sole problem is his refusal to get educated in that domain.
The Downside of Geographical Ignorance

Despite proving them wrong a hundred times, some people will continue citing Canada as America. We bet there’s always one American who feels the need to rectify this error of ethnicity.
It’s indeed unfortunate that many aren’t able to distinguish between countries and continents. Yet, our favorite aspect about this image is that someone chose to explain where Canada is exactly located, even while revealing the geographical ignorance we often witness in kindergartners.
Here’s a Self-Proclaimed Winner

There’s no denying that @sarahcalrow has questionable knowledge of continental borders, nations, and ethnicity. Still, she doesn’t fail to demonstrate an air of self-righteousness and vainglory while replying online.
The woman started with what appeared to be a genuine but problematic query. Yet, when correction was offered to her, she exhibited a greater confusion— making it unclear if she was clueless about Korea’s location or just trying to salvage her ego.
It’s particularly baffling when they manage to use social media platforms without even knowing the difference between a shape and a color. Fortunately for this social media user, her “threadmates” were surprisingly patient with her mistake, almost as if they thought they were dealing with a young child.