California Governor Newsom Vetoes Illegal Immigrant Housing Bill, Shocking Democrats

By: Julia Mehalko | Published: Sep 07, 2024

California Governor Gavin Newsom has vetoed a bill that would have allowed illegal immigrants in the state to become eligible to receive home loans.

This bill was heavily fought for by Democrats. As a result, many of Newsom’s party are shocked by the governor’s quick veto of the bill. Republicans, meanwhile, have applauded it.

A Bill Helping Immigrants in California

This bill would have made immigrants who are in the country illegally eligible for home loans under a state program.

An aerial view of many homes in a California neighborhood.

Source: Paul Hanaoka/Unsplash

This program in California was designed to help offer assistance to many first-time buyers throughout the state. Democrats wanted to broaden their efforts to help illegal immigrants.


Quick Republican Outrage

Upon California Democratic lawmakers pushing this bill, many state Republicans quickly came out to disagree with the idea.

An exterior view of the California Capitol.

Source: Josh Hild/Unsplash

News of this bill also brought national Republican outrage, as many conservatives didn’t think the state should be helping immigrants who didn’t have legal status.

Helping Californians First

Critics of this bill explained that the state should be helping legal residents of California in their attempt to buy a home before they help immigrants who are not here legally.

The tops of homes seen in California.

Source: Gustavo Zambelli/Unsplash

As California continues to suffer from a housing crisis, and many residents cannot afford to own a home in the state, these critics believed that the bill shouldn’t have been passed.

Supporters Pushed for the Bill

On the other hand, supporters of this bill explained that this legislation would have greatly improved the lives of many families.

An aerial view of many homes seen in California under a foggy sky.

Source: Logan Voss/Unsplash

These supports claimed that many illegal immigrant families were also hard-working families who need assistance — regardless of what their immigration status is.

Newsom Vetoes Bill

Perhaps surprisingly, Newsom immediately vetoed this bill when it hit his desk. As the Democratic Party worked hard to pass this bill in the first place, this does come as a shock.

Gavin Newsom speaking behind a podium.

Source: Public Domain/Wikimedia Commons

However, the governor has come out and explained why, exactly, he chose to veto this bill.


Newsom Blames Budget

Newsom has blamed the state budget as why he couldn’t approve this bill.

An exterior view of the California Capitol.

Source: W K/Unsplash

He said, “Expanding program eligibility must be carefully considered within the broader context of the annual state budget to ensure we manage our resources effectively.”


California Has Limited Funding

Newsom has recently been forced to put the state on a budget, slashing many projects and funding in the process to not overspend.

A close-up of a pile of one-dollar bills.

Source: Pixabay/Pexels

According to the governor, he had to veto this bill because the state only has limited funding available, particularly when it comes to state housing assistance programs.


Democrats Are Disappointed

Democratic lawmaker Joaquin Arambula, who authored this vetoed bill, came out to explain that he was “deeply disappointed” with Newsom’s move.

An exterior view of a small home in California.

Source: Gus Ruballo/Unsplash

He said, “The veto doesn’t change the fact that many people – including undocumented immigrants – dream of owning a home so that generational wealth can be passed to their children. They are people who are responsible, work hard, and pay their ample share of taxes. They will keep striving to achieve their dreams, and their contributions have strengthened our State’s economy, helping to build it into the fifth-largest economy in the world.”


Republicans Applaud Move

Many state Republicans who have long been publicly against this bill have come out to applaud Newsom’s decision to veto it.

A close-up of the California Capital.

Source: Kyle Smith/Unsplash

Republican state Senator Brian Dahle said he was pleased with the veto, explaining, “This was a bad idea. We don’t have the resources available.”


Newsom Listened to Republicans?

Newsom’s surprise veto — which may put him at odds with his own Democratic Party in California temporarily — also comes after state Republicans sent him a letter last week.

Gavin Newsom speaking behind a podium.

Source: Public Domain/Wikimedia Commons

In this letter, Republican lawmakers urged him to veto the bill for a variety of reasons.


Other California Immigration Bills

Though Newsom has vetoed this bill, California lawmakers are also trying to advance many other bills to help expand services to illegal immigrants living in the state.

A person counting money.

Source: Alexander Grey/Unsplash

For example, one bill would require the Employment Development Department to provide cash to unemployed illegal immigrants who cannot receive regular unemployment insurance benefits because of their illegal status.
