California’s Second Largest Reservoir Is Losing Water

By: Georgia | Published: Jul 03, 2024

Recent studies by the California Department of Water Resources (DWR) reveal that Lake Oroville, a vital water source as the state’s second largest reservoir, has seen a troubling 3% drop in capacity since the 1960s. 

This significant change was uncovered with the latest in terrain-mapping technologies, providing a fresh perspective on the reservoir’s volume.

Mapping the Depths

To better understand the changes in Lake Oroville, the DWR turned to advanced terrain-mapping technology. 

Overview of a marina at Lake Oroville with numerous boats docked in water surrounded by exposed dry lakebed, illustrating the effects of drought

Source: Wikimedia Commons

As detailed on the DWR webpage, this led to the creation of “highly detailed 3D topographic terrain models of the bottom of the lake,” essential for reassessing the reservoir’s current capacity.


When Rivers Flow in the Sky

Lake Oroville has been greatly affected by atmospheric rivers, particularly after enduring severe droughts. 

Satellite view of Lake Oroville and its surrounding landscape, showing the intricate patterns of waterways and land in the region

Source: Wikimedia Commons

These unique weather phenomena, described by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration as “long, narrow regions in the atmosphere—like rivers in the sky,” are crucial for transporting water vapor from the tropics.

The Lifeline of California's Reservoirs

Atmospheric rivers have become key to replenishing water in California’s reservoirs like Lake Oroville, especially after intense drought periods.

Image of a tall bridge over a section of Lake Oroville, showing low water levels and extensive dry areas around the lake

Source: Wikimedia Commons

These rivers in the sky are critical for moving vast amounts of water vapor, directly impacting the state’s water resources and climate.

A Shifting Foundation

The DWR’s recent use of cutting-edge technology has brought some concerning news: Lake Oroville has “lost 3 percent of capacity since it was created in the 1960s.” 

View of boats moored in the shallow waters of Lake Oroville, with the surrounding hillsides showing signs of erosion and low vegetation

Source: Wikimedia Commons

This decline in storage capacity prompts a reevaluation of long-term water management and storage strategies.

Weathering the Years

The decline in capacity at Lake Oroville is attributed to a mix of natural aging and fluctuating weather patterns. 

Scenic view of Lake Oroville's green shoreline contrasting with the deep blue water, showcasing the varying water levels and terraced lake edges

Source: Manny Becerra/Unsplash

The DWR notes the lake’s shrinkage results from “weather swings and almost six decades of service,” demonstrating the environmental and temporal challenges it faces.


A Critical Water Resource

Despite its reduced capacity, Lake Oroville remains indispensable to California’s water infrastructure. 

Infrared satellite image showing a river system with dense vegetation in red, surrounded by urban areas, and a large smoke plume from a nearby fire

Source: Wikimedia Commons

It still holds the position as the state’s second-largest reservoir, essential for meeting the water needs of millions.


Optimizing Operations with New Insights

John Yarbrough, the DWR’s deputy director of the State Water Project, stresses the importance of the updated data, explaining, “Having updated storage capacity data allows us to operate Lake Oroville in a more efficient manner.” 

Aerial view capturing a series of connected water bodies amid dry landscapes, with urban development visible in the distance

Source: Wikimedia Commons

This information is crucial for refining how the reservoir is managed.


A Balancing Act

The updated data is not just about efficiency—it’s vital for safety and supply, particularly under the shadow of climate change. 

Scenic view from a high vantage point overlooking a forested landscape with a deep blue lake nestled among green hills under a clear sky

Source: Wikimedia Commons

Yarbrough highlights, “It ensures we are providing adequate flood storage protection during winter months and accurately accounts for the state’s water supply.”


Adapting to Seasonal Changes

The management of Lake Oroville requires a delicate balance between flood risk and water conservation. 

Sunset casting golden hues over a lake dotted with rows of solar panels, reflecting the sun's light as shadows stretch across the water

Source: Wikimedia Commons

In the wetter months, officials release water to reduce flood risks, while in the dry season, efforts shift towards maximizing water retention.


Recovery and Decline

From December to May, Lake Oroville’s water levels reached full capacity, demonstrating its ability to rebound. 

Bright sunlight sparkling on the calm waters of a vast lake surrounded by dense forests under a clear blue sky

Source: Wikimedia Commons

Yet, as summer approaches, a natural decline begins, reflective of California’s seasonal water patterns.


A Comparative Improvement

Lake Oroville stands much stronger today than in recent years. 

Panoramic view of a bustling lake marina filled with boats, set against a backdrop of hills under a dramatic cloudy sky

Source: Wikimedia Commons

The latest measurements show the water level at 887 feet—only 12 feet shy of its full capacity of 900 feet, a significant rise from the lows of 750 feet seen during the previous summer’s drought conditions.
