Public Outrage Thwarts Chick-Fil-A’s Ambitious Tennessee Store Expansion

By: Sam Watanuki | Published: Feb 04, 2024

In the small town of Collierville, Tennessee, a battle was brewing between the beloved fast-food chain Chick-fil-A and local residents. Chick-fil-A’s plans to build a “mega” restaurant, complete with modern amenities, sparked controversy.

The proposal included features such as an indoor playground, dual drive-thru lanes, and a larger dining area. But the charm of this small town was at stake, and the residents were ready to protect it.

The Vision of a Mega Chick-fil-A

Chick-fil-A envisioned a grand expansion in Collierville. The proposed 6,110-square-foot restaurant was more than a typical fast-food outlet; it was to be the “latest greatest prototype” in the Chick-fil-A chain.

Chick-Fil-A Restaurant during the lunch rush with a busy crowd

Source: Sikander Iqbal/Wikimedia Commons

With a 300-square-foot playground, ample dining space, and efficient drive-thru lanes capable of handling 43 cars, this project promised to bring a new dining experience to the town.

Small Town, Huge Concerns

The residents of Collierville, while fond of Chick-fil-A’s offerings, had serious reservations. Their main concern? The anticipated increase in traffic.

Collierville, Tennessee Sign that explains the history of the town

Source: Dyoxin/Pexels

The new mega restaurant, with its larger capacity and appeal, threatened to bring long, snaking lines of cars, disrupting the town’s tranquility and clogging its roads.

Going Against the Giant

The opposition was not a mere whisper; it was a roar. Collierville’s residents didn’t just express their concerns. Rather, they got organized.

Chick-Fil-A Trucks parked at a warehouse and getting ready to deliver food to restaurant chains

Source: Mav/Wikimedia Commons

Their efforts included a detailed traffic analysis, showcasing the potential negative impact of the new Chick-fil-A on their community

Traffic Concerns at the Forefront

The crux of the matter lay in the traffic problems that the new restaurant could bring. The proposed location, with access via a two-lane road, seemed ill-equipped to handle the potential influx of Chick-fil-A patrons.

Chick-Fil-A Drive Thru during the lunch rush

Source: Jace Miller/Pexels

Residents feared that this expansion would transform their peaceful streets into busy roads.

A Decision in Favor of the Community

The city’s leaders, after hearing the community’s outcry, made a decisive move. The Collier Board of Mayor and Aldermen voted 5-1 against Chick-fil-A’s relocation project.

Brown Wooden Gavel on Brown Wooden Table


This decision wasn’t just a statement about a single building project—it was a stand for the community’s quality of life and a testament to the residents’ influence.


Urban Planning Meets Community Needs

This episode in Collierville serves as a prime example of the critical role of urban planning in aligning with community needs. It’s not just about economic growth and corporate expansion.

A collection of graphs on paper

Source: Lukas/Pexels

It’s important to ensure that such developments harmonize with the lives of the people who call these towns home.


Chick-fil-A's Future Moves

While Chick-fil-A’s initial plan was rejected, the story doesn’t end there. The chain, known for its strong community presence, now faces the challenge of rethinking its strategy.

Chick-Fil-A Restaurant interior with seating and pictures on the wall

Source: Ser Amantio di Nicolao/Wikimedia Commons

The next step involves submitting a new plan that aligns with town regulations and addresses the community’s concerns.


Public Opinion Shaping Development

This case highlights the influential power of public opinion in urban development. In Collierville, residents didn’t just react to a corporate decision—they actively shaped it.

Large group of protestors gather together in the street with their hands raised in the air

Source: Freepik

Their involvement exemplifies how community voices can steer the direction of development in small towns.


A Lesson for Other Communities

What happened in Collierville offers valuable lessons for other communities facing similar challenges.

A female protestor stands on the streets with a group of people

Source: Freepik

It shows that when residents are engaged and vocal, they can have a significant impact on decisions that affect their environment and daily lives.


Balancing Development and Well-being

The Collierville case also highlights the importance of balancing economic development with community well-being.

Chick-Fil-A Protest with a large crowd gathered on the street

Source: Theopolisme/Wikimedia Commons

It’s a delicate act, ensuring that while towns grow and evolve, they also maintain their character and meet the needs of their residents.


Collierville: Looking Ahead

As Collierville turns the page on this chapter, the future holds new discussions and decisions about its development.

Chick-Fil-A Restaurant at night with sign lit up

Source: Tony Webster/Wikimedia Commons

This experience has fortified the community, proving that even in the face of large corporate plans, the collective voice of a small town can resonate loudly and effect change.
