Chipotle CEO Finally Responds to Outcry From Consumers on Smaller Portion Sizes and Poor Food Quality

By: James Dorman | Published: Jul 02, 2024

Big portion sizes are part of what Chipotle is known for. Or rather, it’s what they were known for. Recently, they’ve been getting public attention for shrinking portion sizes coupled with rising prices. 

But Chipotle’s CEO is looking to combat this public criticism and salvage the brand’s image, insisting that portions have not gotten smaller. He even offers bizarre advice for customers to get more food.

Big Portions Are Part of the Brand

Chipotle is a specialty burrito and taco fast-food chain. One thing that’s known about their brand is that if you order a burrito or burrito bowl, you’re getting a big portion.

A chipotle meal consisting of a salad-covered burrito bowl next to a take-away soda cup and a brown bag of chips. The meal is on a glass table in an outside seating area.

Source: Missvain/Wikimedia Commons

Even Chipotle’s CEO Brian Niccol acknowledges the brand’s image is tied to generous portion sizes. In an interview with Fortune, Niccol spoke about how big portions are “kind of who we are.”


Chipotle’s CEO Insists Portions Aren’t Shrinking

Speaking to Fortune, he refuted the claims that portions have gotten smaller, saying, “We always want to give people big portions that get people excited about the food.” 

Chipotle CEO Brian Niccol sits with a chip in his hand.

Source: Christina Gandolfo/Instagram

He says if people want to double-up their order, they need to pay for it, but he reinforced that Chipotle’s goal is to get people “really excited about what I believe is really delicious food.”

The Public Disagrees

His statements come off the back of months of angry customers taking to the internet to vent about Chipotle’s shrinking portion sizes.

A half-eaten take-out burrito bowl, with salad and meat filling the right side of the bowl, and remnants of rice and other small ingredients on the left.

Source: Famartin/Wikimedia Commons

One user wrote on the Chipotle subreddit that the burrito they ordered using the app was “the size of a can of Pepsi. Never again.” This sentiment was shared by another user who wrote: “I used to eat Chipotle 2-3x/wk. I haven’t been in a year. It’s inconsistent, expensive and the portions are terrible.”

Give Your Server the ‘Look’

On the same subreddit, one user noted, “They skimp hard on digital orders. Portions are always bigger when the person making it has to look you in the eye.” This mirrors the CEO’s own strange advice for customers looking to get a little more in their burrito.

A person in a black t-shirt wearing clear plastic gloves portions filling into three tortilla wraps at a counter with boxes of ingredients lined up in front of them.

Source: Jazz Guy/Wikimedia Commons

Niccol said that those coming into Chipotle wanting “a little more rice” or “a little more pico” need only do as he demonstrated to Fortune — widen their eyes and slightly nod their heads. Apparently, if customers do this, then “usually our guys and women give them a little more scoop.”

People Have Tried Their Own Methods to Get Bigger Portions

The public has their own way of trying to get the sort of portion size they feel they deserve. Some have taken to filming Chipotle workers as they prepare their orders.

Hand of a person holding a cell phone with the TikTok logo center screen as the app launches. They stand in a shopping mall, which provides a de-focused background.

Source: Olivier Bergeron/Unsplash

This “method” became particularly popular on TikTok, where influencers believed that by filming workers, they were getting more food. They encouraged others to try the same.


This Tactic Is Questionable

Pressuring workers in this way is questionable, to say the least. Filming people against their will like this has left many workers feeling uncomfortable. Furthermore, it doesn’t necessarily solve the issue.

A crowd of people stand at a Chipotle counter in a food hall.

Source: proshob/Wikimedia Commons

If portion sizes are being more strictly controlled, this isn’t the fault of the workers. They will have been instructed to dispense portions of certain sizes. Pressuring, dehumanizing and humiliating them over a Chipotle corporate decision is unfair.


Chipotle Has Responded to the Trend

Chipotle seemed to acknowledge and parody this trend with their own TikTok post, showing a crowd of people at a Chipotle counter apparently taking videos.

Large sign for “Chipotle Mexican Grill” on the side of a red brick building.

Source: Raysonho/Wikimedia Commons

Chipotle also released a statement saying there’s no guarantee that filming will result in customers getting more food. They also refuted the suggestion that they had in any way issued employees with instructions regarding being filmed and giving larger servings to avoid negative press. 


Chipotle Has Been Hiking Prices

While Chipotle might try to refute the claims that they’re being more stingy with their portions, there is something else that cannot be argued — Chipotle has been hiking prices.

A green line graph on a computer screen, with the line spiking up and down with peaks and troughs as it moves horizontally across the screen.

Source: Markus Winkler/Unsplash

They first announced price increases in 2021, with subsequent increases in October 2023 and more increases planned for 2024, marking the fourth increase in recent years.


Their Rationale for the Price Increases

Chipotle says these increases are to keep pace with inflation. Faced with increased costs for materials, particularly ingredients like avocado for guacamole, the chain needs to raise prices to keep its margins and remain profitable.

A pair of hands organizes coins into stacks. There are two stacks of equal size, one smaller stack, as a stack of pennies in the person’s hand about to be set down.

Source: Towfiqu barbhuiya/Unsplash

Chipotle also announced it will be paying its employees higher wages. Price increases likely also serve to offset the cost of this pay rise.


They’re Not the Only Fast-Food Chain to Raise Prices

Chipotle isn’t the only chain raising their prices. Other restaurants are similarly feeling the impact of increased costs and looking to boost revenue to offset them by increasing prices.

A McDonald’s restaurant at night with the “McDonald’s” sign and golden arches logo well illuminated.

Source: Visual Karsa/Unsplash

Taco Bell and McDonald’s have both raised prices in recent years, somewhat significantly. According to McDonald’s themselves, the price of a medium portion of french fries has increased 44% compared to 2019.


Chipotle Just Represents a General Trend?

Chipotle has certainly gotten a lot of attention over its portion sizes, probably due to large portions being a part of its brand identity. Disgruntled customers have made a lot of noise, and the fast-food chain has ended up part of a strange social media trend because of it.

View of a large restaurant building at night. The interior is softly lit and on the outside of the building is a large, illuminated “Chipotle Mexican Grill” sign.

Source: Gabriel Vanslette/Wikimedia Commons

But it may not be fair to single out Chipotle like this. Fast food chains are facing higher operating costs and need to find a way to remain profitable. Trying to be more conservative with stock while raising prices is the most logical way to do this. Chipotle may just be unlucky in that it’s very easy for customers to literally see in front of them that they’re paying more and getting less.
