Goldman Sachs Says Drugs Like Ozempic and Wegovy Could Boost US Economy a Trillion Dollars

By: Sam Watanuki | Published: Feb 28, 2024

Health and economy might seem like distant cousins, but they’re actually siblings. When a nation’s health improves, its economy often follows suit.

Healthier individuals can work more efficiently, contributing more significantly to the economy. This connection lays the groundwork for the current discussion on how certain medications could play a big role in economic development.

Introducing the Game Changers: Ozempic and Wegovy

Enter Ozempic and Wegovy, stars of the medical world, originally crafted to combat type 2 diabetes but now making waves in weight loss.

Two medical injection pens are shown against a white background. The top pen is labeled "Ozempic (semaglutide) injection" in blue and red, intended for single patient use only. The bottom pen, labeled "Wegovy (semaglutide) injection" in white and black, indicates a dosage of 2.4 mg

Source: realAliciaCryst/X

These aren’t your average drugs. They’re part of a class known as GLP-1 receptor agonists. Interestingly, though, their rising popularity isn’t just a health trend — it’s a potential economic catalyst.


An Overview of GLP-1 Receptor Agonists

GLP-1 receptor agonists are a bit like the body’s natural regulators, helping control blood sugar, insulin levels, and, surprisingly, appetite. They mimic a hormone to slow down stomach emptying, making people feel fuller longer.

Two boxes of Ozempic (semaglutide) injection pens are positioned on a wooden table. The foreground shows a box labeled for 0.25 mg doses, and the background box is for 0.5 mg doses

Source: Getty Images

This mechanism is a game-changer for weight loss, showing us that tackling obesity might start with understanding our biology.

Goldman Sachs' Bold Prediction

Financial giant Goldman Sachs has crunched the numbers, and their findings are eye-opening. They suggest that if GLP-1 medications like Ozempic and Wegovy are widely used, they could boost the U.S. GDP by up to 1% (via Reuters).

A chart of money going up and down on a laptop. It starts by going up and down slightly, and then it goes up high only to start coming back down again. The lines on the graph are red and green.

Source: m/Unsplash

In a world where economic growth is hard-fought, this prediction highlights the unexpected economic power of health care innovation.

The Economic Burden of Poor Health

Why does this matter? Because poor health, especially due to obesity, is an economic anchor. It keeps people out of work and reduces productivity, costing the U.S. economy billions.

Healthcare worker with a patient

Source: Thirdman/Pexels

By improving health, particularly through effective weight management, we’re saving lives while potentially improving a stagnant economy.

Understanding the Risks

Of course, understanding the risks of these drugs is crucial despite its benefits for weight loss and health. Serious side effects like thyroid tumors and cancer, as well as other minor side effects, have been reported. Watch out for symptoms and consult your health care provider immediately.

Close-up of two healthcare professionals, with focus on the foreground where a person is writing on a clipboard. Only the torsos and hands are visible

Source: Freepik

Discuss your medical history before use and be cautious of potential side effects. Health management with Ozempic requires weighing benefits against risks.


The Supply and Demand Challenge

There’s also a hitch in this optimistic outlook: supply and demand. These drugs are in high demand, leading to shortages and manufacturing pressures.

A factory worker inspects a large metal barrel to ensure everything is up to the required safety standards

Source: Freepik

Companies like Novo Nordisk and Eli Lilly are in a race to keep up with production. This supply issue emphasizes the importance of accessibility to these potential economy-boosting treatments, but perhaps more so for the individuals who actually need the medicine for diabetes rather than only for weight loss purposes.


The Cost Barrier to Access

Then there’s the price tag. These drugs are not cheap, and their costs can be prohibitive for many.

A piggy bank leaning down over coins.

Source: Andre Taissin/Unsplash

While they hold great promise, their high prices and the complexities of insurance coverage could limit their widespread use. Addressing these cost barriers is crucial for the medications to have a broad economic impact.


Beyond Weight Loss: Other Benefits

These drugs aren’t one-trick ponies. Besides aiding weight loss, they offer other health benefits like reducing risks associated with heart disease and diabetes.

Doctor holding a red plastic heart over his chest

Source: Freepik

These additional advantages could further decrease health care costs (provided supply keeps up with demand) and improve quality of life, contributing to a stronger economy.


The Road Ahead: Production and Policy

What’s being done to overcome these hurdles? Increased production and potential policy changes could make these drugs more accessible.

United States flag and pile of dollar bills

Source: Karolina Grabowska/Pexels

If governments and companies can collaborate to improve availability and reduce costs, the economic predictions could very well become a reality.


Health care Innovation and the Economy

Ozempic and Wegovy are part of a larger narrative. Health care innovation, including AI and gene editing, holds vast economic potential.

A person in a blue medical scrub top is holding a pink stethoscope in such a way that the tubing forms the shape of a heart

Source: Patty Brito/Unsplash

As we continue to advance medically, the ripple effects could rejuvenate not just individual health but the entire economy.


A Healthier Future and a Stronger Economy

The journey from medical innovation to economic growth is complex, but the potential is undeniable.

Two healthcare professionals shaking hands in a medical center

Source: Gratis Graphics

By embracing and investing in health care solutions like Ozempic and Wegovy, we’re not just fighting obesity, we’re potentially fostering a stronger, more productive society.
