Governor Newsom is Targeting Your Car in Hard-Hitting Climate Strategy

By: Georgia | Published: May 10, 2024

Gov. Gavin Newsom isn’t just ruling from the office; he’s taking California’s climate policies global.

From advocating in China to engaging with the Pope at the Vatican, Newsom pitches climate action as essential. 

Newsom's Climate Pitch

Last month in a solar-paneled orchard, Newsom painted a vivid picture of California’s climate challenges: “The hots get hotter, the dries get drier.” 

Silhouettes of palm trees against a gradient sky of pink and orange hues

Source: Viviana Rishe/Unsplash

He stressed the need for decisive action to combat these increasingly severe weather patterns.


Electric Dreams

Newsom is pushing hard for electric vehicles and renewable energy, aiming to phase out gas-powered cars. 

A close up image of an electric car charger plugged in

Source: CHUTTERSNAP/Unsplash

While these moves are celebrated in California, they spark fierce opposition from oil companies and some Republicans, highlighting a major national debate on climate costs.

Newsom Defends Against High Cost Accusations

Facing criticism over high utility costs, Newsom blames corporate greed and rejects excessive tax proposals. 

Gavin Newsom is giving a speech outdoors in a suit. The podium says ‘CALIFORNIA HIGHWAY PATROL’ and there is an American flag in the background

Source: CAGovernor/X

His focus is clear: “corporate greed and gouging” are to blame for high gas prices, not climate policies, as he fought back against Proposition 30 last year.

A Wildfire Wake-Up Call

2020’s devastating wildfires were a turning point for Newsom, deepening his commitment to climate action as he toured scorched towns. 

A raging wildfire in the hills of California

Source: Ross Stone/Unsplash

Advisors liken his reaction to pivotal moments that redefine political careers, emphasizing the personal impact of these crises.

Shaking Up the Auto Industry

In a bold move, Newsom announced plans to phase out gas-powered cars and introduced a fracking ban. 

A street in California lined with cars on both sides of the street, there are palm trees and buildings visible

Source: Oscar De La Lanza/Unsplash

His 2021 proposals aimed at drastically reducing California’s carbon footprint, showcasing his willingness to take significant regulatory steps.


Big Oil On The Defense

Accusing oil companies of deception, Newsom has positioned himself as a leader willing to confront industry giants head-on. 

A piece of oil drilling equipment is pictured against a clear sky

Source: Brad Weaver/Unsplash

At a rally, he declared, “Big Oil has played us for fools,” signaling a tough stance on environmental accountability.


The Political Landscape of Climate Initiatives

As Newsom’s policies gain traction, they also face political risks, especially in battleground states. 

Gavin Newsom is pictured at a meeting with the flag of California behind him

Source: CAGovernor/X

His climate stance could either be a blueprint for national policy or a point of contention, exposing him to criticism about job impacts and economic consequences.


The Cost of Living Green

Debates swirl around the financial implications of Newsom’s climate policies. 

An E-Z Trip gas station surrounded by palm trees. A white van is also pictured

Source: motyame/Unsplash

Critics argue that these initiatives drive up living costs, a point of contention that resonates deeply with Californians grappling with the nation’s highest gas prices.


Regulatory Battles and Industry Backlash

Newsom’s efforts to impose caps on oil refiner profits are contentious, with the industry warning of higher prices. 

An oil refinery pictured against a gray and cloudy sky

Source: Patrick Hendry/Unsplash

This year, California voters will have a direct say on drilling restrictions, highlighting the ongoing clash between environmental policies and economic concerns.


Drilling Permits and Political Pressure

Despite over 700 pending applications for new drilling sites, Newsom’s administration has not approved new permits this year. 

Oil drilling equipment is pictured in silhouette against a starry night sky

Source: Jared Evans/Unsplash

This cautious approach reflects ongoing legal and political challenges, illustrating the complexities of balancing environmental leadership with industry interests.


Newsom's Climate Legacy on the Line

As decisions loom on further tightening carbon controls, Newsom’s climate policies could define his political legacy.

Gavin Newsom is at a podium giving a speech outdoors. He is wearing a cap and gesturing with both hands

Source: CAgovernor/X

Supporters argue his aggressive stance could lead to significant environmental progress, while detractors warn of potential economic fallout.
