Almost everyone has had the experience of working with horrible bosses, and we know how it ends. Bosses and management often make work-life unbearable, and we have no choice but to quit! Low or zero compensation, negative remarks, ungratefulness, tantrums, and other demoralizing actions often kill our morale to do our best. While they haunt us with these actions, many of us would share our experiences on social media. In this piece, we will talk about employees’ horrible experiences with their bosses.
A Sober Reflective Moment for an Employee

Almost all of us have a bad day at the office that almost makes tears run down our cheeks afterward. Sometimes, controlling the tears seems almost impossible, preventing you from getting to the car before the waterworks begin.
You have reasons for these sober and reflective moments, but employers turn a deaf ear. Instead of creating a policy around these occurrences, they carelessly discover why.
Management Yelling at Employees

It is a usual practice for bosses to hail their employees when they perform better each month. They often do this by specially announcing them on their social media pages. On the other hand, this one manager would rubbish performing employees’ efforts.
You often found them with messages like “Joe, you must show up to work” on the company’s notice board. Joel will find it challenging at work after these public shades.
This is Discouraging

There are unique quirks that make every office unique. Despite their uniqueness, no one would imagine that they can be a threat to life to employees. You would find notices at a company like “Jump if the elevator is not moving” to get it functioning again.
This should be worrying! We appreciate the measure required to enjoy a functioning elevator, but we would stick to using the staircase.
Is there a better way to use a Toilet?

One of the essentials of a civilized society is toilets. Health institutions agree that clean waste removal systems are necessary for a civilized society.
Up till now, we continue to learn toilet usage. Management finds it disturbing, placing a notice on toilet doors like “Avoid putting anything in the toilets. We are yet to determine how this should work; we think management is a robot.
The Right But Incorrect Answer

You would have attempted exam questions where you have to choose the most correct answer, but you found out all answers are correct. Gone are those days, but your employer is bringing them back!
This question asks employees if greeting a customer is proper, with the correct answer being “True,” but you found out “False” is the correct answer. Best Buy welcomes their customers but doesn’t greet them.
Here And There, You Will Find Jesus And Germs

Religious beliefs shouldn’t be restricted to governmental jobs. However, a thick line separates being zealous and religious at work. You find a post that says, “You would find Jesus and Germs everywhere, so rinse your hands and pray.”
We’re still finding the correlation between Jesus and Germs. It is all about hilarity. Combining these two subjects looks more drastic, although washing one’s hands is healthy advice.
Stop Crying, Employees!

Companies’ management wants to be proactive regarding making employees excited and working for a longer time. This isn’t bad for a company, but the story may differ with the upper management. There is more to reminding employees not to cry.
If employees have to cry and break down in tears continually, they need to find out why they do it when meeting with customers.
After-Hours Texts Should Correlate With a Pay-Rise

We often feel discouraged during our days off when our bosses text us. Bosses should find a way to determine why this happens. An example is a boss texting an employee at 3:30 a.m. to confirm his availability the following morning, but the employee failed to reply.
The boss wanted them to work on that day. But receiving texts during those late hours should be for emergencies, not to resume at work.
This is a Punishable Offence

Bathrooms and locker rooms should not have cameras since people expose positions in these places. People using these places need the highest privacy possible without cameras.
But companies believe bathrooms are camera-worthy. Management says cameras in toilets are for “research use” only. We are still trying to find out the research on toilets
This looks like Discrimination

Before, people openly discriminated against, and now, they have subtly moved these practices into almost all sectors. For years, establishments have pegged their requirements on certain criteria before employing new persons.
The requirements are many, including having clothes on. Incredibly, establishments refuse faceless persons with the notice “No Face No Entry.” We must remind employers that everyone has a face, but this is just a practice we want to avoid.
Toilets Are Torturing Centers

We spent more time at workplace restrooms than usual. This may not go down well with companies, and they wish employees would enter the restroom and return as quickly as possible.
The bad news is that companies have installed “downward-tilting toilets.” Spending more than five minutes here makes it unbearable for users. We know you want us to do it quickly when we enter the bathroom. But this seems more like punishment and treatment as if we are kids.
Be Factual About Your Resume

We usually add fluffs to our resume to sound impressive to get that job. So this person claimed swimming is his hobby on his resume. Swimming isn’t bad, but we thought it would be advantageous for someone applying as a lifeguard.
He asked for a day off on one heavy rainy day. His employer replied beautifully: “Your resume said swimming is your hobby.” We hope the applicant was truthful; hence, this may be an issue.
Stealing at the Company is Prohibited

The threat of stealing is one common thing you would hear about workplaces. Employers detest it, and going home with an office pencil could be termed stealing, although this could depend on management or the company you work for.
Stealing is wrong, but here comes an odd insanity: employees cannot charge phones in this company! Why restrict charging at workplaces? The company said it was an “electricity theft!” How does charging relate to stealing? We still want to know!
Management Hates AC/DC

Usually, retail establishment managers and employees get tired of continuous and repeating music blasting from speakers. This often happens through various local employees.
This bar forbids using their AC/DC on their karaoke machine for music-playing. The bar puts up many policies/signs on an entire page instead of just putting up a “No AC/DC” sign or “AC/DC isn’t an option.
Management’s Threat is a Joke

Offices sometimes have clowns like the one you had in your class those days who will create havoc to put a smile on other’s faces. This clown usually gets into trouble with the management with his display. And here comes an office clown who has been clogging urinals for months.
A notice from the management says, “We know you; we will post your name for all to see next time.” He replied below the notice: “It is I, the great (expletive) bandit.” We are not sure who will win between him and the company.
Doctors Determine Your Water-Drinking Habits

Doctors’ notes have been part of our lives. An employee may find it ridiculous why he should be absent from work based on a doctor’s note. This company executes actions based on doctor’s notes, including taking water at the cash registers.
“Banning drinks” is an action taken too far. If this could happen at an office, there may be little or no difference between this office and a prison.
A Workplace for Nudist

Clothing is required to access public places. There are particular needs businesses must have to run successfully, as you would find each school with a uniform. These institutions share one thing in common: covering nudity. In this office, employees remove scrubs before coming to work, as found on the notice.
The critical point in the notice is that workers may leave work without clothes on if it will remind them to change clothes subsequently.
We Can See Your Kink, Debbie

To err is human, including our bosses! Debbie, a store manager, may not have patiently read over the notice she sent to her workers before fastening it to a door. However, the outcome may have been horrible! The notice says, “All girls with long hair must be tied up.”
We can only assume that the manager has something against girls with long hair who love hardcore fun. Debbie may experience a few weeks of challenges.
Picnic Tables But Not For Picnics

Undoubtedly, man is wise, but you may doubt considering the amount of stupidity we witness daily. Despite this, man continues to thrive above all, being the first earth’s inhabitants.
Despite our intelligence, we believe picnic tables are for picnics. But the sign reads “No Picnics.” Indeed, we’re confused about what to do with this table with the “No Picnics” sign. Does the table have no use at picnics?
A Discount For Surveillance

“Snitches get stitches” is a statement you could have heard of. This could mean many things, but it is usually a warning against people who want to annoy others. It is even more common in workplaces. There is an employer that compensates for this behavior by offering 25% off bills to buyers who report workers communicating on mobiles to their manager.
You can expect awkward customer behavior since they would want to beat down their bills. This could lead to reporting employees all the time.
Are you on a Diet? Avoid going to Wendy

Food businesses sometimes have extra add-ons their workers throw at customers during checkouts. It requires extra patience not to be frustrated when selling pitches, and neither do workers love to say it.
The sign reads, “At each order’s end, suggestively sell cookies, no excuses! Selling the cookies isn’t what the employees want.
Unshaved Heads are Banned From Working Here

Some offices demand you meet specific physical requirements before you can work. For example, you are appearing in an apron to qualify to work in a kitchen. But it has gone to the extreme with this company.
First, they control your hair, ask you to put on a hat, but end up telling you to shave your hair! Surprisingly, no better way to tell employees to shave their hair than “shaved-shaving off the hair.”
Confusing Signals

The workplace gets mixed signals due to inefficient and poor communication. A boss instructs you to execute a task, and another one comes from another boss. You find yourself in a situation where you must contradict two bosses’ instructions.
This is how it is with a promotional offer encouraging buyers to find out more by texting without providing cell phones next to the offer sign. This isn’t very clear, as we don’t know whether to text. But this represents the corporate world.
No Talent Required Here

You would have seen some companies insulting employees. This could come in a newsletter or any other way that follows the law letter. But this one looks like an overreaction. Here comes a company with a flyer: “Ten things that don’t need talent.”
What could be more insulting on this flyer than “being teachable” to “being ready.?” There is a need for talent in all of these, and at the same time, they are outcomes of poorly managed companies.
Employees-Shading Is Part Of Managerial Role

When employees underperform, management is expert at letting them know. This case and other issues usually take place during employees’ review. Maybe it is the best time for management to stop shaming employees in the open.
A sign on the door says ‘we regret all inconvenience, we won’t open until the store is ready. No one was ready to open this morning.” We understand that employees’ absence wasn’t a good idea; shaming the public was too bad.
Karl Marx-Dedicated Zone

History students know Karl Max, depicted as the ‘Father of Communism.’ Nobody would want to talk about him in a capitalist society. It is unsurprising to see companies that forbid Karl Max’s quotes on the breakroom’s bulletin board.
We all care about having speech freedom, but this is a company’s foreseen reaction, regardless of one’s perspective about communism or capitalism.
A Manager’s Grammatical Error and Misspellings

A professional environment thrives with communication. Regarding internal communication, it must go around earlier to get the expected outcome. It is the same when communicating with clients. In this scenario, what we see is a total failure; “Do to not haven water we can’t sale any Soda Drinks.”
This could be comprehensive for anyone. While we assume they don’t have water, it could also mean something else. Cross-checking the grammar could have prevented this, but we may also be ignorant of what’s happening.
Employees Subscribing To Public Shaming

You must adhere to some rules when visiting the gym, such as wiping down equipment used at the end of a gym session or taking the weight back to its original place. The gym management has had issues with those who wouldn’t get equipment back to their places but head on to shame members.
They post a notice that says, “If you are not strong enough to position weights in their original place after use, notify the staff to let one of the girls help.” While this looks awkward, there are also some sexist undertones. How they retain users in this gym is a mystery!
Wow! A Free Banana

Sometimes, management thinks showing little gestures to workers after completing a challenging task will motivate them to do more. Appreciating hard work is good, but it should be more impactful on workers.
A Banana compensation for hard work could lead to unproductivity. Reward them for spending their leisure time nicely.
Saying Well-done with a Banana

Companies often go out of their way for workers to appreciate hard work, maybe a day off or holiday extension. This compensation, at times, could be a paid lunch or cash gift.
Companies believe it is just a banana for employees, which often means dissatisfaction. We will take this as a joke because such a good job deserves better compensation.
An Overrated Labor Day

Companies disrespect holidays and prefer keeping their workers instead of letting them rest. Many companies don’t want their employees to rest and won’t recognize Labor Day.
Companies do not know they can’t determine what is not a holiday. Labor Day, among other holidays, is what they chose to mess with, which is chronic.
“You Must Get A New Car”

Has your boss ever explained how to be a better employee through a lengthy email? You may not be the only person in this case. While these emails talk about work ethics, they also include the cars we drive, indicating that our cars are substandard.
They tell you to get a more expensive car, restating their earnings and assuring them they can get a better one. We are short of words.
Googly Eyes vs. the Management

There is that one person who finds pranks hilarious at the workplace who pranks with office supplies around. This may include moving your belongings into the office. There is this one employee in an office who likes this prank and places googly eyes in all offices.
He was so bold that the management had to warn him of his pranks. The management had to post a notice: “Please Stop.” He responded by placing the same thing in the notice the management posted.
“We Are Not a Lemonade Stand, But A Fortune 500 Company”

Parents who contributed to assisting their child’s lemonade stand would understand that it is a challenging task. It looks like this company had no idea of the challenges associated with running this business.
An individual posted a keep-out sign using Comic Sans and got a reply that they are “not a Lemonade Stand.” Indeed, using this font should not hurt if you are a Fortune 500 company.
This is Against the Health Code

The English Language can be challenging. An individual learning it as a second or third language may not find it sensible. But, unsurprisingly, wrong spellings can result in problematic actions.
This sign says, “Pick pastries with tongues, please.” But we believe it should be “tongs.” We are sure that anyone who sees this will understand the grammatical error. Or else their tongues will contaminate the pastry shelf.