Oh, the feeling of being replaced or inadequate. We know it all too well; one moment you’re content and the next your mind is feeding you a false narrative that leaves a burning in your chest. But don’t believe it! You are irreplaceable and worthy, always remember that – even when times get tough.
When those feelings pass (as they surely will!), you’ll be met with relief as if to ask yourself “why did I ever think such a thing?” Don’t worry though, plenty of people have been through this before.
The Queen of the Household – A Cat’s Tale

She may be small and unassuming, but this cat reigns supreme in her domain. Perched atop a corner cabinet, her pink fluffy ears alert and her eyes wide, she awaits her call. Watching your every move as you betray her.
Her sharp teeth and claws serve as a reminder that no matter what other animals may enter the household, she will remain the Queen Bee. She marks her territory with a silent command – she will always be the one in charge.
The Unexpected Jealousy of Weddings

The joyous atmosphere of weddings can quickly take a turn for the worse when jealousy rears its ugly head. From the best man standing awkwardly beside the happy couple, to the realization that you won’t be able to hang out with your buddy the same way you did – the presence of an unmarried status can cause a range of complex emotions.
What’s more, best men sometimes have similar preferences in women, leading to the difficult decision of letting go of a lost love, or a best friend. Weddings, although a joyous occasion, can bring out unexpected feelings of jealousy.
Embrace Your Femininity and Turn Heads!

Be proud of your beauty and let it shine through! No need to compete with other women, beauty comes in different sizes. Look at the woman below, the embodiment of female sexuality and the way it can turn heads.
It’s time to accept the taboo and live your life the way you want to. Be confident and celebrate your femininity – it’ll be sure to turn the heads of both females and males!
A Tale of Being Left Out: Envy in the Hallways

For some, two words can trigger a series of traumatic events, while for others it can bring back an array of fond memories. The most popular kids in school, with their passive-aggressive behavior, seemed to thrive on each other’s company, and in retrospect, many of us are thankful that we didn’t fit in.
But for the sake of nostalgia, it’s hard not to feel the envy just like this girl caught on camera wearing a coat and hanging out in the hallway, This is a story of a girl who felt excluded, a memory that will forever be captured.
Mum I Want Attention!

This shy golden retriever cautiously made her way to her mum, peering around the edge of her laptop. When she saw that it was safe to come out, she scurried over and waited patiently for a chin scratch.
It seemed like Mum was too busy with her emails and attachments to even notice her four-legged friend. But a few minutes of petting and an evening of cuddles could help bridge the gap between them. All the while, the pup can’t help but feel a tinge of jealousy towards whatever is taking up her beloved human’s time.
The Forgotten One: When Younger Siblings Struggle for Equality

Family outings can be a time of joy and togetherness, but for the youngest in the family, they can often be a source of exclusion. Parents may forget that they have an extra little one, leaving the youngest with outstretched palms, unable to keep their siblings from eating without them.
Sadly, they may be the victims of favoritism, with parents appearing to favor their daughters. Decades from now, this moment of struggle for equality will still be a topic of conversation in therapy.
Wishing For Youthful Days

Ah, the days of innocence when we were still kids, desperately wanting to hang out with our older siblings’ friends. We’d blow out the candles on our birthday cakes, wishing to get older and be as cool as everyone else.
But now we’ve reached that age, the wishes have changed. We yearn for the days of youth and wish we could rewind time and savor it slowly. The only thing we are envious of in this picture is that delicious chocolate cake!
Becoming a Man Through Heartbreak – How to Stay Emotionally Resilient

No one likes going through heartbreak, but it’s an inevitable part of growing up. For boys, it’s often the first time they realize that they’re on the path to becoming a man. When your crush chooses someone else, it can feel like the end of the world.
But it’s also an opportunity to learn how to navigate your emotions and stay emotionally resilient. It’s a sign that you’re entering adulthood. Don’t let your heartbreak define you – take it as a chance to grow and develop.
When Your Furry Friend Realises She’s Been Replaced!

It’s a scene that we all know too well – the icy chill of having been friend-zoned, especially when your four-legged bestie realises they have been replaced by another. That thick fur may appear to be able to withstand any temperature but this Siberian Husky is feeling iced out in more ways than one!
With jealousy taking over, it looks like this furry companion will just have to sit this one out and watch from afar. Join us in commiserating and take a seat with this beautiful husky, who’s looking for nothing more than friendship.
Tricked You!

This dog owner got creative and tested her beloved golden retriever’s loyalty. She bought a stuffed toy that slightly resembled her and proceeded to pet and coo at it in front of the real thing.
To the dog owner’s surprise (or lack thereof), her pup quickly placed her paw on the toy in an attempt to reclaim her mother’s attention. It was clear the pup was heartbroken at the thought of being replaced by an inanimate object. Give that pup a break!
Conquer Your Fear of the Gym!

Feeling overwhelmed by the intense workouts and ripped physiques of other gym-goers? Don’t worry, we’ve all been there! It’s totally normal to feel intimidated when you’re new to a gym. The key is taking it slow.
Start small and build up your routine as your confidence grows. Before you know it, those waistbands will be needing some adjusting and that shirt will start feeling loose! — before long, you’ll be lifting just as heavy as the pros. So don’t get discouraged: small steps lead to big gains!
Pets Showing Favouritism: An Unexpected Tale of Unconditional Love!

There’s something unique about the bonds that can form between people and animals. We don’t know why it happens or what vibe causes it but sometimes a magical connection takes place, and there’s just that click!
Sometimes, it can take a surprising turn, take this hedgehog for example, so attached to its new friend, it wouldn’t even let anyone else hold it – its spikes would thrust out from the center and you’d basically have a ball of thumbtacks!
A 9-Year-Old’s Unplanned Reaction to a New Baby

The joyous occasion of a new baby’s arrival is usually celebrated with great elation – but when it’s unexpected, the reaction might be a little different! We can only imagine what was going through this 9-year-old’s head.
After all, at that age, attention is treasured and toys are not to be shared. Even if it was planned, best believe most of us would feel the same way – we have enough sharing to do at school!
The Little Doggy Who Couldn’t Let Go!

This little pooch is certainly the talk of the town! Last year, she and her owner were the stars of a picture taken. But now, there’s somebody else who’s joined the picture and this little furry friend is not having it.
She had to jump to be part of the shot, but what was she doing? Was she trying to mark her territory or was she just too clingy? It looks like this cutie needs to work on her separation anxiety! Hold me instead, human!
From Jealousy to the Electra Complex: A Baby’s Struggle for Love!

This adorable baby looks on with envy as her parents share a tender kiss. She seems to think she’s an outsider to the family, and in her innocence, she doesn’t understand why her father is taken away from her.
But as she grows older, she’ll understand the significance of these small moments of love, and how important it is for keeping the family together. After all, it’s the Electra Complex that can make or break a family!
Is Jealousy Warranted in Relationships?

Can jealousy be a healthy emotion in a relationship? While it is natural to feel jealous at times, it is important to consider the underlying reasons for your partner’s behavior. Maybe they are just admiring someone else or they have a tendency to stray. Whatever the cause, it is important to remember that it has nothing to do with your self-worth.
Loyalty in relationships is an ever-evolving process that differs between couples. Here’s to hoping that this couple can navigate the journey and remain loyal to one another. May their love be strong enough that they never need to question each other’s fidelity.
The Element of Surprise: Proposing Mid-Match?

Love was in the air during this sports match, and the couple on the right could not help but take this momentous occasion to take their relationship to the next level. Unfortunately, the woman on the left was not as enthusiastic.
Could it be that this awoke a little bit of envy within her, where is her proposal!? Or was she simply annoyed by the disruption of the game? Either way, she’s definitely not loving what’s going on here!
Middle Child Syndrome: A Risk Factor for Psychopathy?

Have you ever looked at a family photo and felt joy until your eyes caught the middle child? That’s exactly what happened when we saw this picture. Our eyes initially browsed the top 1-inch of the picture, as it was typical of any family photo.
We even felt ourselves smiling, until we saw the middle child terrorizing her baby sister. It made us laugh, but it also made us wonder: Is being born a middle child really a risk factor for psychopathy? Why did the stork have to intervene?
The Cat Who’s Just Making Sure You’re Okay

Have you ever met a cat who’s just checking up on you? That’s exactly what this feline is doing; peering timidly in the hopes of catching up on what you’re doing and what he’s missing out on!
It may not seem like much, but he’s just letting you know that he’s here and he’s ready to join in the fun! Plus, it looks like your companion is just peacefully sleeping so why not come join!
Celebrate Life with a Slice of Cake!

She knows what matters in life: a slice of cake, a table surrounded by loved ones, and a moment to savor it all, YUM! Forget about counting calories, let’s celebrate the little moments that make life worth living!
However, this lady doesn’t seem to be enjoying herself too much, maybe it’s the company that’s missing, or she didn’t get her piece of the cake! Well come grab a chair, and join. But don’t even think about touching the cake – this slice isn’t for sharing!
The Girl in the Blue Dress – A Lesson in Self-Control

The cameraman made a grave mistake and didn’t focus on the right subject. But the girl in the blue dress was having none of it, and her facial expression was caught on camera and will remain for all to see on the internet.
So, who ended up with the prom date? His friends in orange, black, or the girl in blue? We were all rooting for the girl in blue, but if your future spouse looks at you like that, you better be ready for a great challenge of self-control!
Camila’s Solo Career

Camila’s decision to leave her musical group of nearly three years has left many in shock. But as she said the group was young and had limited themselves to a certain image, she felt the need to break free and pursue a solo career.
She is now a rising star in the music industry, and her bae Jauren couldn’t be more proud. We can’t imagine her as the green-eyed monster caught in this picture – But hey everyone has their moments!
The Battle of the Best Friend and Girlfriend!

It’s a common experience for guys – when your best mate takes the plunge into dating, you’re left standing by the sidelines feeling a little jealous. You know no one can ever take your place as the best man, but that doesn’t stop the feeling of envy.
However, there is a silver lining – you get to live vicariously through your friend’s experiences as they explore the world of dating and discover the vivacity of women. So don’t be miffed, support your best friend and find out what all the fuss is about!
The Joys and Struggles of Breast Milk

We all know that breast milk is essential for a baby’s growth, but it can also be a source of frustration for them. As the only one in their group on a liquid diet, it can be difficult to watch others enjoy the delicious treats they can’t have.
But don’t worry, it won’t last forever. In a year’s time, they will be able to enjoy all the semi-solid foods they can imagine. As they grow older, they may even find themselves craving the good old breast milk!
The Unbeatable Stray Cat’s Trick

It’s hard to say no to those big, pleading eyes. The stray cat, with its disheveled fur and somehow more meat on its bones than the poultry sold over the counter, knows exactly how to get us to succumb to its tactics. We may not want to admit it, but we can’t help but give in to its adorable, yet strategic, begging.
After all, who has the heart to deny this little one its meal? We can only imagine the consequences of not granting that steely gaze what it desires. We’ve all fallen for it and you probably will too!
The Oscar-Worthy Performance of Leonardo DiCaprio

For decades, Leonardo DiCaprio had been delivering a consistent stream of impressive performances, yet still falling short of an Oscar Award. Although his work was impressive, it was clear that something more was needed to get the recognition he deserved.
Everyone knew that DiCaprio had it in him since the days of Titanic, and it was only a matter of time before his talent shone through. So, don’t worry about the younger Leo, your day has finally come!
The Battle of Wits between Beans the Cat and His New Rival

There’s an amusing story behind Beans, the cat standing guard. One look at his grumpy face and you’d never guess that he’s named after the beloved comedic Englishman! Things get interesting when his owner’s girlfriend brings home a new pup.
Now Beans has a formidable rival! Will the pup’s agility be enough to outwit Beans’ sharp claws? It’s either lock the pup in a cage or put the cat in quarantine – whichever way, someone’s going to have to sharpen their reflexes!
The Secret to Being a Top Fisherman!

Two guys, two different stories – the one on the left is enjoying a hearty feast, while his buddy looks hungry and forlorn. What’s his secret? It turns out that he’s able to land big fishes while his mate distracts its children.
We are pretty certain his not impressed! If we ever had to survive in nature, we’d all be jealous of this top fisherman’s skills! But don’t worry; there’s still plenty of fish in the sea…
Doggo vs. Kitten: Who’s the Favorite?

This youngster has a clear preference for cats over dogs, and the pooch by her side can sense it. The kitty is totally unaware of all the drama. That’s how it usually is when you’re the newest addition to the family.
Don’t feel down, doggo! Those floppy cheeks of yours will never be replaced by her tiny pink paws. You’re just as cute as that feline and the best part is, when she grows up, you’ll be the perfect partner for cuddles!
Make Your Treat Count!

It’s time to make a choice when your parents let you pick your own treat. Do you go for something that packs a flavorful punch, or something that will last a while? If you’re tempted by the creamy ice cream cones, you might want to reconsider that watery-tasting ice pop.
Just take a look around and see all of the options – you’ll be sure to find something better! After all, you don’t want to end up with a treat that leaves you disappointed longing for the one in your sibling’s hand!
Feline Favouritism: Who’s Winning the Love Game?

It’s no secret that sibling rivalry can be intense, but nothing is quite as disheartening as when the object of our affections plays along with it, milking it for all its worth… This cat is aware of the game its feline friend is playing!
Just look at that smug kitty purring against mom’s leg – all those loving memories of being held the same way have been replaced by jealous feelings of envy. We can only hope that the bond will remain strong and that there will be future memories to cherish.
We Love What We’re Seeing

Selena Gomez and Vanessa Hudgens were caught on camera staring at Ashley Benson’s cleavage as the “Spring Breakers” stars were being interviewed. Apparently, Benson’s cleavage was a sight for sore eyes, and they couldn’t help but admire it—and that’s cool.
But was there a moment when they wished that they were the ones with such beautiful and bigger natural endowments? From the look of things, we can bet there was!
Man’s Best Friend For a Reason

Where the dudes at? This one’s for you! You know how they say dogs are man’s best friends? Well, they go beyond just being companions to making you desirable to ladies. The logic behind this is simple — dogs are cute, and ladies love cute stuff, you get it?
From drawing their attention to being a great conversation starter, dogs keep your wooing skills tight. Sadly, the other guy didn’t catch the memo and had to pay for it by watching this handsome man get all the girls.
Stealing My Thunder

While most of the people on our list never set out to make anyone jealous, popular actress Jane Mansfield appeared to have known what she was doing when she went to Sophia Loren’s party in a very revealing dress. Did she plan to steal Loren’s shine?
Loren didn’t hide her feelings concerning this. “She came right for my table. She knew everyone was watching… there may be other photos, but this is the only picture. This is the one that shows how it was. This is the only picture.”
Another One

Did you ever think we’d run out of pictures where a lady gazes jealously at another lady’s cleavage? Never! This time it’s Julie Bowen who couldn’t control her facial expression as her eyes focused on Sofia Vergara’s hard-to-ignore and “well-packaged” features.
One thing we know for a fact is that this would have been us if we sat close to the gorgeous actress too. So, relax Bowen, we understand!
The High and Mighty Aren’t Immune

Many women are territorial and want all the attention to themselves at all times. As this photo proves, even the first ladies of most powerful country in the world are no exception. Here, we can see Former US president Barack Obama engrossed in an enjoyable conversation with another woman, completely unaware of his wife’s jealous gaze.
Of course, Mrs. Obama is a wise, confident woman and couldn’t have created a scene at that point. But our eyes are itching to know what happened when they retired indoors that day.