Newsom and Lawmakers Are Still Far Away From Reaching a Deal While Only Two Weeks Remain To Pass California’s Budget

By: Alex Trent | Published: May 30, 2024

California Governor Gavin Newsom and the state’s legislature are staring down a two-week deadline to get the budget passed for the upcoming 2024-2025 year.

However, progress has been difficult, and CalMatters just reported that there are “dozens or even hundreds of individual issues to be resolved.”

June Deadline

The deadline to have the new state budget passed is June 15, and the budget has gone through many proposals and revisions amidst a reported historic budget deficit looming for California.

Governor Gavin Newsom delivering a speech at a podium, wearing a dark suit and blue tie, with an audience in the background.

Source: Wikimedia Commons

In December, the Los Angeles Analyst’s office estimated that California would be facing a $68 billion deficit ”largely as a result of a severe revenue decline in 2022‑23.”


Latest Efforts

Earlier this month, Gavin Newsom revealed a revised budget plan proposal, which the legislature’s budget analyst Gabe Petek gave a thumbs up for its realistic approach.

The California State Capitol Building in Sacamento.

Source: Andre M/Wikimedia

“The May revision puts the state on better fiscal footing and makes substantial progress toward structural balance,” said Petek’s office.

Pressure From Allies

In addition to the usual chorus of disapproval levied against Newsom by his critics, traditional allies of the governor have also come out against the latest budget proposal.

A diverse classroom of engaged students looking towards their teacher, a man standing in front of a whiteboard, teaching a lesson in a brightly lit educational setting

Source: Kenny Eliason/Unsplash

This week, the California Teachers Association (CTA), a powerful force in Democrat politics, unleashed an attack ad criticizing the governor for making cuts to schools.

Lawsuit Threats

In addition to putting public pressure on Newsom, the CTA threatened to pursue legal action with the backing of teachers in the school system.

A closeup photograph of a gavel used in court.

Source: Tingey Injury Law Firm/Unsplash

CTA President David Goldberg called Newsom’s budget “an outright assault on public school funding” and said that it would “wreak havoc for years to come.” The CTA asserts the revised budget plan is unconstitutional.

Coming to a Deal

The pressure campaign by the CTA seems to have worked on this front as the group claims to have made a deal with Newsom on public school funding.

Governor Gavin Newsom stands in a classroom, gesturing with his hand mid-speech. He is wearing a dark suit and tie

Source: GavinNewsom/X

“Fortunately, we came to an agreement with the Governor. The agreement reached with the Governor to protect public school funding is a critical step forward for California’s schools and communities. It ensures that students, educators and families aren’t impacted by cuts to the classroom this year while protecting future year education funding. This agreement is also “fiscally neutral” and will not negatively impact other areas of the budget including healthcare and social services,” said the CTA on their website.


Newsom on the Agreement

Newsom made a statement praising the deal, saying he was glad the budget got feedback from California’s teachers.

Gavin Newsom in front of a California flag speaking.

Source: Public Domain/Wikimedia Commons

“This agreement is a smart and balanced policy solution that incorporates feedback from California’s educators,” Newsom said. “Working together, we are protecting California’s students, families, and educators and putting the state on a fiscally sound and sustainable path.”


One Down Many to Go

Although the deal on education has now been completed after a high-profile feud, Calmatters reports there are still deals to be reached with at least dozens of interest groups that will be affected by spending cuts.

Close-up of a male doctor in a white coat, crossed arms, holding a red stethoscope, against a neutral background

Source: Online Marketing/Unsplash

On Tuesday, healthcare and civil rights groups held a press conference decrying Newsom cutting $94.7 million in services for elderly or disabled undocumented immigrants.


Coalition Conference

In the press conference, the coalition of groups rejected the notion that the budget needs to be balanced by hurting poor Californians.

A view from behind a group of migrants walking through a corridor, carrying various bags and personal items

Source: Wikimedia Commons

“It is unacceptable to balance the state’s budget on the backs of the poorest and most vulnerable Californians,” the coalition said. “Rather than eliminating programs that impact the state’s poorest residents, the advocates will urge the Legislature to consider more progressive solutions to ensure California has the resources needed to care for the most vulnerable Californians.”


Intense Pressure

Governor Newsom is facing high pressure from even his own party, leading to bickering and criticism from various groups on all sides.

Governor Newsom can be seen at a podium giving a speech. Various people are watching on

Source: Wikimedia Commons

“Multiply that criticism by 100 or more and it’s the kind of pressure being placed on Newsom and a left-leaning Legislature,” wrote Dan Walters of CalMatters.


Ballot Measures

In addition to the state’s government budget deadline looming large, there is also a deadline fast approaching for ballot measures to be finalized ahead of the general election in November.

A person sliding an envelope into a vote box.

Source: Arnaud Jaegers/Unsplash

Newsom and members of the legislature are waiting on the Supreme Court to decide on whether to block a measure that would put restrictions on new taxes amid fear around “wealth taxes” and other similar measures supported by Democrats.


Proposition 47 Overhaul

The legislature is also considering measures to combat a rise in crime seen in California cities in videos of “smash-and-grabs.”

A security guard is walking toward a man who is running out of a building.

Ron Lach/Pexels

In 2014, a ballot measure called Proposition 47 lowered penalties for petty theft crimes, which some argue has enabled the recent surge in large and small retailer thefts.
