RNC Highlights Border Security, Drug Trafficking and Crime

By: David Donovan | Published: Jul 17, 2024

Former President Donald J. Trump vows to “make America safe once again.” 

That was the statement of Tuesday’s Republican National Convention as border security, drug trafficking, and crime became the overwhelming focus.

Cruz Comments

“We are facing an invasion on our southern border − not figuratively, a literal invasion,” Texas Sen. Ted Cruz said Tuesday night. 

Ted Cruz speaking at Values Voter Summit in Washington D.C. on October 7, 2011.

Gage Skidmore

“Look around you. This arena holds about 18,000 souls. Now imagine 639 arenas just like this filled to the brim.”


Central Issue

Americans are showing mounting concern around issues of immigration a Gallup Survey from February showed. 

People taking the oath of allegiance in grand canyon national park

Flickr user Grand Canyon National Park

Without precedent for 10 years, Americans said immigration is the main issue confronting the country. 

Public Response

A different review by the Pew Research Center showed that 80% of Americans criticized the government’s response to immigration.

Chinatown in Boston with a large arch and people walking on the street

Wikipedia user HouseOfScandal

The survey claimed they were doing a “bad job dealing with the large number of migrants at the border.”

“Largest Deportation Effort”

The Trump administration guaranteed “the largest deportation effort” in U.S. history if chosen for the presidency for another term.

Donald Trump and Lisa De Pasquale. CPAC day 1

Flickr user Mark Taylor

During his administration, around 935,000 non-occupants were ousted. 

Biden Comparison

Comparatively, there had been around 340,000 such extraditions under Biden through February, NBC News announced, citing the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement.

Joe Biden speaking at a rally with people holding signs in support of him

X user JoeBiden

U.S. Border Patrol encounters have expanded throughout the last ten years. 


Illegal Entry

Before the Coronavirus pandemic, border encounters mostly included individuals captured while illicitly entering the nation. 

USAFacts Banner showing iconography of America

Wikimedia Commons user Marthausa2017

This was indicated by USAFacts, a nonprofit that offers analysis of US government information.


Title 42

Under the Trump administration, the Border Patrol started deporting migrants without offering them the chance to apply for asylum. 

Border patrol agent on lookout at Border Field State Park with vehicle behind him.

Flickr user Jamie Lantzy

This activity was completed under a public health provision called Title 42.


Policy Reversals

At the point when Biden took office, he promised to invert some of Trump’s severe migration policies.

A United States Border Patrol Agent with a M14 rifle is shown tracking someone in deep snow and very cold conditions.

Wikimedia Commons user Hohum

This included dismissing unaccompanied minors who showed up at the U.S. line without a parent or guardian. 


Border Figures

His organization briefly kept Title 42 until it terminated in May 2023.

Border Patrol conducting patrols on ATVs.

Flickr user US Customs and Border Protection

Since assuming office, the number of individuals arrested by the U.S. Border Patrol under the Biden administration peaked at a record high.


Record Highs

Biden’s figures for immigration detention averaged 2 million individuals per year, the Washington Post reports.

Inside the Greyhound Bus Station in Detroit, Michigan. The people in green uniforms are U.S. Border Patrol Agents.

Wikimedia Commons user Vmenkov

Last year, the Biden administration announced that it allocates almost $25 billion for U.S. Customs and Border Protection and Immigration and Customs Enforcement.


Term Figures

According to a press release from the White House the Biden administration has deployed the “most agents ever – more than 23,000”

A CBP Border Patrol agent monitors the Canada–United States border near Sweet Grass, Montana.

Gerald L. Nino, CBP, U.S. Dept. of Homeland Security

This was to “address the situation at the border, prevented record levels of illicit fentanyl from entering our country, and brought together world leaders on a framework to deal with changing migration patterns.”

Trump’s focus at the RNC will provide Biden with a metric for one of the campaign’s central talking points.
