Teamsters at Odds Over Presidents RNC Speech

By: David Donovan | Published: Jul 18, 2024

The Teamsters have not yet endorsed a presidential candidate in the 2024 electioon, however the union’s leader gave a strong indication of their leanings through a speech at the Republican National Convention on Monday. 

Sean O’Brien conveyed an energetic speech about how big business and corporate campaigning groups are “waging a war against American workers” to a room full with individuals who love Donald Trump – who wants the corporate tax rate be lowered to 15 percent.

O’Brien Appearance

O’Brien’s appearance at the RNC was not valued by everybody at the Teamsters. 

Acting Secretary of Defense Patrick M. Shanahan, speaks with Senator Josh Hawley from Missouri, before delivering testimony

Flickr user Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff

The association’s official X account slammed him on Tuesday after he shared a piece about his statement by Sen. Josh Hawley (R-Mo.). 


Impact on Workers

The piece was titled “The Promise of Pro-Labor Conservatism.” 

Sean O'Brien speaking at a rally in Philadelphia August 20th 2022

Wikimedia Commons user Ted Merriman

It starts by proposing that American workers are getting screwed on the grounds that organizations are utilizing profits to “push diversity, equity, and inclusion and the religion of the trans flag.”

“Cynical Pro-Labor Message”

“Unions gain nothing from endorsing the racist, misogynistic, and anti-trans politics of the far right, no matter how much people like Sen. Hawley attempt to tether such bigotry to a cynical pro-labor message” the Teamsters account composed on X.

The International Brotherhood of Teamsters headquarters located at 25 Louisiana Avenue NW in Washington, D.C.

Wikimedia Commons user AgnosticPreachersKid

They added: “You don’t unite a diverse working class by scoffing at its diversity.”

Clashes Within

The Teamsters’ X account likewise shared a post from The Nation which said, “Despite Sean O’Brien’s support for Trump at the RNC, let’s be clear: A second Trump term would not be a win for the labor movement.” 

O'Brien with members of his transition team sitting at a board room

Wikimedia Commons user Vateamster

The account independently shared an X post inquiring: “Did anyone ask Sean O’Brien if he read the part in Project 2025 about Republicans wanting to end overtime pay? Do his union members know about this?” (Project 2025 is the controversial conservative policy agenda for a second term of the Trump administration.)

Alienating Groups

Neither post at present shows up on the Teamsters’ feed.

Sean O’Brien standing outside with people holding signs for warehouse workers

X user TeamsterSOB

The Teamsters’ social media manager wasn’t the sole pro-labor party annoyed by O’Brien’s comments. 


White House Response

The Washington Post gave an account of Wednesday that White House associates were “furious” over the appearance as President Biden has been an advocate for the labor movement. 

Teamsters group photo with people posing with their fists in the air

X user Teamsters

The Teamsters may not endorse anybody in the official race, yet the Unified Auto Workers supported Biden in January, and its leader Shawn Fain has been savagely disparaging of Trump. 


Presidential Comparisons

“Joe Biden bet on the American worker while Donald Trump blamed the American worker,” Fain said while supporting the president.

Shawn Fain speaking at a committee meeting with a sign in front of him

X user UAW

O’Brien himself recognized how Biden has helped the labor movement this week. “He is definitely the most pro-labor president we’ve ever had,” he told CNN.


RNC Purpose

The Teamsters have attempted to spin O’Brien’s appearance at the RNC for the purpose of “exposing” the “corporatists” at the RNC, as representative Kara Deniz put it in a release given to the Post. 

Sean O’Brien speaking at a public conference into a microphone

X user Teamsters

“The Teamsters refuse to be pressured to fall in line by those who continue to applaud a broken system. We will continue to participate in the political process at all levels on behalf of working people.”


Teamster Position

O’Brien additionally demanded in the speech that the Teamsters “are not beholden to anyone or any party.” 

Sean O’Brien posing with another man in front of maps on a wall

X user TeamsterSOB

He applauded Trump during the speech, too, referring to him as “one tough SOB.”


Union Concerns

O’Brien does not want to land firmly on either side yet the labor movement has some glaring doubts, similar to his own union.

Sean O’Brien speaking with members of flight mechanical crew in a hanger

X user TeamsterSOB

This was revealed by the rogue post on X, however what its VP at large, John Palmer, composed last week in anticipation of O’Brien’s appearance at the RNC: “It is unconscionable for any Labor leader to lend an air of legitimacy to a candidate and a political party, neither of which can be said to have done, or can be expected to do, anything to improve the lives of the workers we are pledged to represent.”


Speech Impact

O’Brien’s speech was noteworthy in the lineup of partisan speakers as he did not endorse Trump.

Sean O’Brien speaking at a conference beside other men and men standing behind him

X user TeamsterSOB

However the Teamsters leader was given the most speaking time on the evening.

The labor vote could be an important swing come November as the prominence of O’Brien at the RNC has highlighted.
