U.S. Intel Reveals Surge in Russian Efforts to Swing Election for Trump Against Harris

By: Georgia | Published: Sep 07, 2024

U.S. intelligence officials announced on Friday that Russia is increasing its efforts to interfere in the upcoming 2024 U.S. presidential election. 

The aim is specifically to support Donald Trump against Kamala Harris, utilizing a range of sophisticated techniques. These methods reportedly include both unwitting and “witting” American individuals, with an eye also on influencing down-ballot elections.

Multi-National Interference Briefing

During a 75-minute briefing, senior officials from the U.S. agencies tasked with combating interference from countries like Russia, Iran, and China provided updates on these efforts. 

Nighttime view of the Kremlin in Moscow, showing illuminated buildings and churches, with a bridge over the river in the foreground

Source: Wikimedia Commons

While discussing classified matters, they refrained from detailing which Americans might be under investigation or exactly what roles they might play in these interference schemes.


Putin’s Alleged Support for Trump

The briefing marked one of the first times U.S. intelligence openly attributed intentions to Russian President Vladimir Putin regarding the U.S. elections. 

Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump shaking hands at a formal event, both dressed in suits, with a floral arrangement in the background

Source: Wikimedia Commons

Officials explicitly stated that Putin is working to see Trump elected over Harris, reminiscent of the alleged support Trump received in the 2016 and 2020 elections.

Response from Trump’s Campaign

When approached for comment, Trump campaign spokesman Steven Cheung responded by asserting that “Putin endorsed Kamala Harris.” 

Donald Trump clapping at a rally, surrounded by supporters and American flags, with a focused and serious expression

Source: GOP/X

This was referencing a statement Putin made in a lighter vein, which he claimed showed favor toward the Vice President.

Scope of Russian Interference

According to the officials, the scale of Russia’s new meddling efforts is unprecedented. 

The Kremlin viewed during autumn, showing colorful trees in the foreground and the historic architecture and towers of the Kremlin in the background

Source: Michael Parulava/Unsplash

Just this Wednesday, an indictment revealed a $10 million initiative that involved paying U.S.-based influencers through fictitious media companies to disseminate Russian propaganda to American voters.

The Russian Influence Machine

An official from the Office of the Director of National Intelligence described Russia’s influence operations as large and robust. 

A tall, ornate government building in Moscow with the Russian flag fluttering in the foreground, under a cloudy sky

Source: Wikimedia Commons

This network includes various Russian entities besides those implicated in the recent charges, all part of a broader strategy to sway U.S. public opinion.


Recent FBI Indictments

An FBI official pointed out that the recent indictments provide just a glimpse into the extensive nature of Russian activities aimed at influencing the U.S. election. 

Wide-angle view of the J. Edgar Hoover Building, the main office of the FBI, in Washington, D.C

Source: Wikimedia Commons

These revelations suggest a deep and complex web of influence extending far beyond previous known efforts.


Disinformation as a Tool

The ODNI official emphasized that while Russia’s public statements, such as Putin’s comments on supporting Harris, might seem benign, they are part of a broader strategy of disinformation. 

Vladimir Putin listening intently in a formal office setting, with a Russian official speaking across from him

Source: Wikimedia Commons

U.S. intelligence does not regard these statements as reflective of Russia’s covert operations, which often contradict public declarations.


Trump’s Dismissal of Allegations

Donald Trump, on his social media platform, dismissed the allegations and Wednesday’s indictments.

Donald Trump speaking at a rally in Georgia, with a banner reading "Georgia is Trump Country" behind him

Source: GOP/X

He described them as attempts by the Justice Department “to interfere in and suppress the Election in favor of the Democrats by resurrecting the Russia, Russia, Russia Hoax, and trying to say that Russia is trying to help me, which is absolutely FALSE.”


Iran’s Role in the Election

The intelligence officials also noted on Friday that Iran is attempting to influence the election as well, but in favor of Harris against Trump. 

Close-up of the Iranian flag waving, showing its green, white, and red colors along with the national emblem and inscriptions in the middle

Source: sina drakhshani/Unsplash

This marks a continuation of foreign interference from multiple fronts aiming to sway the outcome of U.S. elections.


Campaigns’ Reactions to Briefings

Neither the Trump nor the Harris campaigns responded immediately to inquiries about whether they had been briefed or had agreed to be briefed by U.S. intelligence on these foreign interference efforts. 

A "Vote Here" sign with an American flag on it, directing voters to a polling station, placed on a sidewalk in front of a stone building

Source: Wikimedia Commons

The lack of response highlights the sensitive nature of the information and the potential impact on their campaigns.


Election Security Update

The ODNI also issued a public election security update, stressing that while foreign entities like Russia, China, and Iran are active, there is no evidence they have compromised the actual election machinery. 

Top U.S. intelligence officials including FBI Director Wray and Director of National Intelligence Haines sitting at a Senate hearing

Source: Office of the Director of National Intelligence/Facebook

However, the intent to influence voter perceptions and outcomes remains a significant concern for U.S. authorities.
