U.S. Navy Surfaces 3 Missile Submarines as a Warning to China

By: Julia Mehalko | Published: Jul 02, 2024

The United States and China have been locked in an ongoing test of strength for years now. Amid growing tensions, some analysts have worried that these violence-free maneuvers have led to a semi-cold war, which could escalate into something more serious in the near future.

So far, it appears the U.S.’s moves have kept Chinese aggression at bay — particularly after three U.S. Navy missile submarines surfaced as a warning to China back in 2010.

China’s Attempt to Intimidate the U.S.

In 2010, U.S. officials began to grow wary of some of the moves that China was making, as it appeared that the country was trying to intimidate the U.S. with multiple signs of aggression.

A view of a Chinese flag on a pole.

Source: Arthur Wang/Unsplash

For example, while the U.S. Navy was conducting a missile test in the East China Sea, Chinese military planes flew incredibly close to the U.S. Air Force, narrowly avoiding a dangerous conflict or accident.


Chinese Threats?

This situation led many U.S. officials to contemplate China’s endgame, as they were clearly being aggressive in their maneuvers.

A military jet flying through a blue sky.

Source: Luke Jernejcic/Unsplash

The U.S. came to the conclusion that the Chinese military wasn’t just giving a thinly veiled threat to the U.S. military — they were also showing aggression towards Taiwan.

China vs Taiwan and the U.S.

This Chinese incident between the U.S. and the Chinese military during a military exercise was China’s attempt to show that they were more than prepared to take on Taiwan — and they had the planes, missiles, and military prowess to do it.

A bird’s eye view of Taipei City, Taiwan.

Source: Thomas Tucker/Unsplash

The independent country of Taiwan is a small island about 100 miles off the coast of South China. China has long believed that Taiwan is actually part of its territory, which has put it in conflict with the U.S., which backs an independent Taiwan.

Why the U.S. Supports Taiwan

There are various reasons why the U.S. has always publicly supported Taiwan, even with China’s increasing signs of aggression towards the small island nation.

A view of an American flag.

Source: Joshua Hoehne/Unsplash

The U.S. feels that an independent Taiwan can help keep the region secure, as it lies by China, South Korea, and Japan.

Influence in the Indo-Pacific Region

Thanks to its ties to Taiwan, the U.S. is able to keep its influence in the Indo-Pacific region. If China were to successfully force Taiwan to become a part of its country, this could all change.

An aerial view of the coast of China seen in the daytime.

Source: Danny Kwok/Unsplash

China would have more capabilities to limit the U.S. influence in the area and could gain success in further pushing U.S. interests out of the entire region.


A Difficult Time

Therefore, after this military exercise that was interrupted by close-flying Chinese military planes, the U.S. decided to show China just how powerful they could be.

A view of a military jet in the sky.

Source: Timothy Holmes/Unsplash

This show of strength was also conducted to further align the U.S. with Taiwan, as officials in America have always said they will protect the country from Chinese invasion.


A Move Off the Coast of China

In 2010, the U.S. decided to show its own strength off the coast of China by simultaneously surfacing three of the Navy’s guided missile submarines.

A view of the USS Ohio submarine in waters.

Source: U.S. Navy/Wikimedia Commons

This move came during a period when both countries were showing tests of strength to each other, causing some tensions to grow.


Surfacing Three Submarines

The U.S. Navy surfaced three submarines that carried missiles: the USS Florida, the USS Michigan, and the USS Ohio.

The USS Florida seen in blue waters.

Source: Public Domain/Wikimedia Commons

This maneuver allowed the U.S. to show how powerful its military submarines were — and also how close they could get to China’s borders without necessarily being immediately detected.


Powerful Submarines

These three submarines that the U.S. surfaced around China in 2010 were indeed powerful. The ships carried 462 Tomahawk cruise missiles, which have a range of about 1,000 miles.

Many people on top of the USS Florida submarine in water.

Source: Public Domain/Wikimedia Commons

By arising in this location in the Indian Ocean, the U.S. was sending China a message that they could reach its territory easily in worst-case scenarios.


A Simple Coincidence

According to the U.S. Navy, the surfacing of these three missile-carrying submarines was simply a coincidence. It wasn’t intended to be anything else but this.

An aerial view of the USS Florida submarine in water.

Source: Public Domain/Wikimedia Commons

Of course, it appears China saw through this — and took it for the show of strength that it was. This event worked in the U.S.’s favor, as China still hasn’t made any military moves towards Taiwan in the 14 years since.


An Uncertain Future

Now, an uncertain future for the U.S. and China has officials worried. Though China’s President Xi Jinping has always created a friendly relationship with U.S. presidents — including both President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump — China has continued to make aggressive moves towards Taiwan.

Xi Jinping and Joe Biden shaking hands and smiling.

Source: Public Domain/Wikimedia Commons

Meanwhile, Trump, who is running for a second term against Biden, has often gone against China for various issues, leading some analysts to worry that a conflict between the U.S. and China could happen if Trump were to win the November election.
